Tuesday, October 26, 2010


The birding expo has been shortened by a day, the official expo is now running 1/27/11 - 1/30/11
VIST:  http://www.spacecoastbirdingandwildlifefestival.org/
For all the information. I recommend flying in early to catch the whole program. I will still be picking everyone up from the airport on the 30th, however, anyone coming in early can make different arrangements with me. I also know a great lodge that folks can stay at 40 minutes away from the festival. Please call me if you have any questions or need to make arrangements.


Leave winter's blast behind, grab your binoculars, and head to Central Florida for a week of serious birding, playful paddles, and a trip to the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival. Our home base will be the cabins located at Blue Springs State Park -- the epicenter of coastal and Central Florida birding. Each day will include a short passenger-van drive to one of many aquatic habitats -- swamps, bayous, estuaries, rivers, and springs; the main activity will be birding, but we will also take time to kayak, hike, swim, and snorkel. Spare time at Blue Springs can be filled with hiking; walking to the boardwalk that overlooks the warm waters, where over 200 manatees wintered last year; or reading in a rocking chair on the screen porch of your cabin. The pace throughout will be relaxed enough for plenty of birding, sightseeing, nature walks, and just sitting back and reflecting. Enjoy a different birding experience every day and return each night to the comfort of your cabin, where the trip leaders prepare all your meals (smell them shrimp boiling!). Kayak rentals are included, and beginners are always welcome. Participants who want to develop their kayaking skills will have time for one-one-instruction with an ACA-certified instructor.


Day 1: Once everyone arrives and gets settled in, the guides will go over introductions and the week's agenda. After our first dinner together, we can walk the spring run and become introduced to the increasing manatee population at Blue Spring. For those folks who need to really stretch their legs, there are several miles of hiking trails that border swamps, scrub forest, and long grass/cane prairies.

Ocala National Forest and Lake Woodruff, Florida
Photo: Greg Pflug
Blue Springs State Park:
• Largest spring on the Saint Johns River.
• Part of the Great Florida Birding Trail.
• Designated Manatee Refuge.
• Historical home of the Timucuan Indians.
• Visited in 1766 by British botanist John Bartram.
Day 2: Today, we'll head to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, the greatest place in Florida for birding and wildlife viewing. There is so much -- it just seems too easy. You will find yourself scant feet away from rosette spoonbills, glossy ibis, reddish egrets, wood storks, bald eagles, and countless species of migrating ducks. After lunch we will visit the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival. Be prepared.
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge:
• Brackish waterways winding through palm and oak hammocks, pine forests and flat woods, and coastal dunes.
• Major wintering area for migratory birds with several wading bird rookeries, and many bald eagle and osprey nests.
• Home to a large population of Florida Scrub Jays and 14 other threatened or endangered species.
• Black Pointe Wildlife drive. As good as birding gets.

Ocala National Forest and Lake Woodruff, Florida
Photo: Greg Pflug
Day 3: We’ll begin with an early morning departure so we can visit the old sugar mill, where we'll make our own pancakes at our tables, and then swim off all the maple syrup in De Leon spring, proclaimed the fountain of youth by famous explorer Ponce de Leon. We can swim and snorkel until its magical powers reveal themselves. Paddling the surrounding National Wildlife Refuge will offer great views of the enormous wintering population of migratory birds.
Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge/De Leon Springs:
• Home of Ponce de Leon’s legendary "fountain of youth."
• Birding "Mecca."
• Whole-grain pancake breakfast in The Old Spanish Sugar Mill.
• Five-mile stretch of the Great Florida Birding Trail.
Day 4: A little bit longer of a drive today, however, the pay-off is huge. We'll begin by snorkeling and exploring a wonderful second magnitude spring. Afterward we'll navigate our kayaks down the extremely narrow gin-clear waters snaking through the sub-tropical Juniper Springs National Wilderness area.

Ocala National Forest and Lake Woodruff, Florida
Photo: Greg Pflug
Juniper Springs:
• Excellent brush land environment, home to the endangered Florida Scrub Jay.
• Narrow, winding, crystal waters through a lush, designated wilderness area.
• Up-close and personal photo opportunities with massive Florida alligators.
• Likely sightings of deer, otter, and perhaps even the Florida Black Bear.
Day 5: This morning we’ll pack our picnic lunches, grab our kayaks, and paddle the short distance north (downstream) a few miles to Hontoon Island S.P. This area of river is packed with manatee, otter, and sun-worshipping gators. Overhead, bald eagles, ospreys, and red-shouldered hawks scan the water and marshes for their next meal. On and near the riverbanks parade large wading birds, coots, moorhens, and the occasional wild hog.
Our destination is Hontoon Island, which has a wonderful nature trail that leads to an ancient Indian shell mound. The park is also famous for its large owl population and extensive Indian artifacts, including the state’s largest totem pole. We will spend a good part of the day hiking the island in search of birds and other wildlife.
Once we return to our lodge, anyone with enough energy can take the short shuttle with the trip leaders to the Lower Wekiva River State Preserve for a three-hour paddle down the Wekiva River, past Blackwater Creek, and the confluence with the St. Johns River. This small stretch of river contains large concentrations of wildlife. For many this will be the highlight of the entire trip. Expect a huge dinner after this enormous day of activities.

Ocala National Forest and Lake Woodruff, Florida
Photo: Greg Pflug
Hontoon Island State Park:
• Timucuan Indian mounds overlooking Lost Man’s River.
• Pine flatwood, palm/oak hammock, cypress swamp, and marsh habitats.
• Barred owls, bobcats, and other reclusive wildlife abound.
• One of the world's laziest rivers, the Saint Johns.
Day 6: Today will find us at two very special places. Our first stop will be the Econlockhatchee River and the Little Big Econ Wilderness Area. We will paddle about eight miles through a mysterious moss-covered cypress forest. This tightly winding river twists its way through sloughs, swamps, and prairies, eventually becoming a widening lazy river. On our way we will encounter bald eagles, osprey, numerous hawks, swallow tail kites, otters, and of course the American alligator. Lunch and a swim await us at my favorite swim hole along the Florida National Scenic Trail.
After a great paddle we will travel the short distance to the Orlando Wetlands Park, which draws in birders from around the globe -- after a few minutes on any of the hiking trails there you will know why.
Day 7: It's time to take that last stroll down to say goodbye to the manatees; there may be time for a quick paddle on the river as the sun rises. Our van will leave for the airport by 11 a.m.
This itinerary may vary based on weather and wildlife conditions; possible destinations include:
• Rock Springs S.P Blue Springs S.P.
• Wekiva Springs S.P Hontoon Island S.P.
• Lake Woodruff NWR De Leon Springs S.P.
• Juniper Springs Wilderness St. Johns River Merritt Island N.W.R (Black Pointe Wildlife Area) Canaveral National Seashore.
The leaders will make every reasonable effort to meet the goals outlined in the itinerary. Please keep in mind that weather or other conditions beyond our control may cause us to modify the itinerary in order to ensure the safety and well-being of the group.

Getting There

Ocala National Forest and Lake Woodruff, Florida
Photo: Greg Pflug
All participants should fly into Orlando International Airport. Trip leader will meet and pick everyone up at 1 p.m. on Sunday, January 30. The private van will stop for lunch (not included in trip price) on the way to Blue Springs. Participants wishing to drive to our cabins will be sent directions upon approval.

Accommodations and Food

Our lodging consists of private cabins operated by the State Park system. Each cabin has central air/heat, fireplace, two bedrooms, bathroom, fully equipped kitchen, screened-in porch, an outdoor grill, and picnic table. Linens, pillows, blankets, towels, and cooking and eating utensils are provided. One bedroom has a double bed; the other bedroom has a double bed. (Sorry, NO daily maid service).
The living room has a pull out bed in case someone wants their own room at night.

Meals are prepared and served by your trip leaders. Kitchen clean up (dishes) will involve the entire group's participation. Lunches will be made each morning and carried by individuals while on the water.

Trip Difficulty

Ocala National Forest and Lake Woodruff, Florida
Photo: Greg Pflug
There will be plenty of time to take pictures, spot birds, go snorkeling, observe wildlife, and just enjoy this subtropical paradise. On paddling days the distances will be short and leisurely with an emphasis on wildlife viewing, not making miles. Snorkeling will be in deep clear springs that remain 72 degrees all year.
I ask that all participants be at least 18 years old and in good physical condition. Participants are encouraged to call the leader with any concerns regarding the trips difficulty.

Equipment and Clothing

We will be staying in fully equipped cabins. Please bring toiletries, snorkeling gear, lots of swimsuits, birding gear, casual clothes, sun protection, and something from your home state to share with the group. A complete packing list will be sent to you upon signing up for the outing.


Bird checklist for Merritt Island NWR:
Bird checklist for Lake Woodruff NWR:
Bird checklist for Ocala National Forest:
Blue Springs State Park Bird checklist:
14 Annual Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival:
Whitney, Ellie, D. Bruce Means and Anne Rudloe, Priceless Florida
Belleville, Bill, River of Lakes
Larson, Ron, Swamp Song


Ocala National Forest and Lake Woodruff, Florida
Photo: Greg Pflug
The areas we will travel to are under serious threat of being paved over by the uncontrolled sprawl of Orlando. With every new house, strip mall, and paved road, more pollutants end up in our rivers, more spring water is sucked up for watering yards, and native species disappear at alarming rates. Participants will be encouraged to learn more about what they can due to help limit sprawl.

Kayak Touring    Lodge Trips

Checkbox    Small day pack or fanny pack
Checkbox Pain reliever
Checkbox Personal medical supplies (Prescriptions, inhaler, antibiotics, etc.)
Checkbox  Water bottles
Checkbox Flashlight or head lamp
Checkbox Spare batteries
Checkbox Sunglasses
Checkbox Prescription Glasses/Contact lenses and supplies
Checkbox  Leatherman™ or Multi™ tool
Checkbox  Feminine hygiene products
Checkbox Toothbrush
Checkbox Toothpaste
Checkbox Hair brush/comb
Checkbox Antibacterial gel
Checkbox  Pack towel/wash rag
Checkbox  Moist towelettes
Checkbox  Water shoes or sandals
Checkbox  Bandanas
Checkbox  Brimmed Hat
Checkbox  Mosquito head net
Checkbox  Raingear - waterproof/breathable jacket
Checkbox  Fleece or wool shirt or sweater
Checkbox  Light weight camping pants
Checkbox  Swim suits
Checkbox  Shorts
Checkbox  T-shirt s
Checkbox  Long Sleeve shirts - light weight (Great for sun protection)
Checkbox  Underwear
Checkbox  Gloves (For paddling and warmth)
Checkbox  Sun Screen
Checkbox  Sunburn Cream
Checkbox  Insect repellant
Checkbox  Lip Balm

Optional Stuff (but nice)
Checkbox Candle Lantern/candles
Checkbox Books
Checkbox Journal and pen
Checkbox Playing Cards
Checkbox  Binoculars
Checkbox  Camera and film
Checkbox  Waterproof Camera Bag
Checkbox  Fishing Gear
Checkbox  Favorite beverages (I don’t know what you drink)
Checkbox  Guide books
Checkbox  Snorkeling gear
Checkbox  Snacks

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